On Astrology, Psychics, Mediums, Tarot cards, False Gods and Idolatry

This morning I couldn't get Psalm 24:3-4 out of my mind. It was actually an old Vineyard worship music song that was playing in my mind upon waking and wouldn't stop repeating:

"Who may ascend God's holy mountain? Who may stand in his presence? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god..." 🎵 🎶

What does this first part mean?

"Who may ascend God's holy mountain? Who may stand in his presence?..."

God's holy mountain or hill--as some versions call it--is within each of us. To ascend it and stand in the presence of God--or in his holy place--means going within because the body & mind are the human temple that houses God. God is not afar or outside of us, but dwells in us. God--Consciousness--is the one and only reality.

If we already know we have the Universe within us already--if we already know that God is in us--then what does this image mean? It's about going within and feeling our divine nature--our ascended Higher Self--God in us so fused with us that we are one. It's about feeling it & remembering it and not taking it lightly--not minimizing the great creative power or Divine Intelligence.

Okay, what about the next part?

"He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god..."

This isn't about a ritual or worshipping monuments to pagan gods...

I recently read old lectures by Neville Goddard about his old friend, Norma, who was a psychic [did people's astrology charts for money] and couldn't give it up because she relied on it for income even though she knew there's no power outside of herself.

Whether it be seeking guidance from a psychic or whether it be looking at and responding to circumstances in the 3D, the temptation to rely on what we see, hear, touch, etc. is ever present. We are surrounded by mirrors reflecting back to us all that is in our thoughts, memories, moods, fears, beliefs, etc. We look at the mirrors to see what we look like, how we are doing, for clues on what our higher self is saying, etc.

"Who may ascend God's holy mountain? Who may stand in his presence? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god."

It's so easy to point a finger at tarot cards or mediums and label as "giving our power away," and to react strongly as some have done (there's a manifesting group I was in where a coach really overreacted when they saw some of us using cards to manifest & assumed we were doing tarot when we weren't--we were just using the cards to practice visualization & manifesting, no power in the cards at all)... but anything we put stock in, anything we look to for guidance or answers, anything that believe is more powerful than our God within us, anything we look at as being too big, too overwhelming, too difficult, or impossible is all idolatry because it's taking eyes off the Truth--the source object that all the mirrors reflect back to us--& looking at the dancing shadows on the wall instead of looking within & trusting Self. We worship false gods with our attention & belief and when we shorten "God's" arm--when we believe everything our senses tell us instead of remembering that Consciousness is the one and only reality.

"...He shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob. Selah. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah."

Lift up your heads, look up [look within] at the real reality--as above so below. Look at the source object and not the reflection in the mirror. Don't look at circumstances but at the all creative God in you. Catch the heavenly vision knowing the kingdom of heaven is within you right here, right now.

Open up your gates. Go into your heart space. Feel the presence of God. Feel the great peace and power in you.

What is salvation? It means RELIEF. What is sin? It means WANTING & NOT HAVING (and to "miss the mark," to be in lack, etc.).

So this is how you pray:  

To "ascend the mountain" you shut your eyes away from the 3D reality. Whatever bad thing is happening all around you that you are experiencing with your senses are false gods that you are worshipping with your attention and placing value in. So turn your back to it & face the mountain--shut your eyes to it and look to God who dwells within you.

Stop feeding attention to the things of this world that trouble you and make your journey back to the heart of worship on God's holy mountain inside of you. Go deep into your inner being--your inner inner knowing and heart space--and remember you are one with God. Consciousness has no boundaries. God is fused with you like a married couple or lovers "becomes one" so we are "one" with Awareness.

So you give yourself that which you desire. You dream up that which you seek to have. You receive it in imagination and feel it as if happening right now. This is God’s presence. You are able to receive because you aren't looking at the barriers anymore. You aren't limiting God in you anymore.  You feel limitless and know all realities were already created; you are just choosing which version of reality you want to experience now. You feel "the glory" with all your senses as if up on a sacred mountain or hill. You give it to yourself in imagination and you receive it. You feel satisfied. You remember you are the King (or Queen), that you are royalty. You readjust your crown and know any battle is over now. You are strong and mighty.

This is the way of prayer & worship. This is how we manifest and cause heaven to materialize on earth. Doing this we stop wars and human suffering. We heal ourselves and others. We lack nothing and know real salvation.

Keep your focus on your desires being fulfilled already and here now. Trust your Godself. Know God's holy mountain is inside of you and you have all the power and glory and might; you don't have to fight. The battle belongs to the Lord, and the Lord is your imagination. Go within. Receive it. Believe it. And watch and see as you manifest heaven on earth. 

🌱 Rebekah 


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