My Cool Valentine's Day Manifestations

My Cool Valentine’s Day Manifestations 
By Rebekah Jane Carter (author of YOU ARE IN BARBADOS and HEARING BEFOFE SEEING)

*There are parts of this that may ramble, but I’m not going to edit it at this time. This is targeted toward those already in the manifesting community, for those who may be single parents manifesting marriage and/or those manifesting to receive help or to be taken care of.* 

I’m pretty pleased with some manifestations that materialized today of all days. I didn’t intend for them to happen on Valentine’s Day, but I also am not surprised either. I wasn’t even thinking about timing a little over a month ago when I first began imagining my desires here now. And what were my desires? (1) A clean house. No, not just clean and organized, but freshened up and calming, like a spa, so that the moment you walk into it, you feel relaxed and transported the way you would walking into a yoga studio or mindfulness retreat. While we’re at it, let’s throw in a couple plants since I killed all the others I tried to have a few years ago. And not just clean inside, but all the moss and gunk gone off the driveway too, and junk in garage gone too that would easily cost close to a thousand dollars to have 1-800-Got-Junk haul away. (2) My car starting; not having to tow my car or have repair work done at the Dealer. (3) My plumbing fixed and other costly repairs done on the house (that I rent) at no cost to me, even things that I thought I was responsible for. Also, let’s throw in some reassurance for good measure that I don’t have to pay for all the hardwood floors warping. Now all of these—save for the latter (number 3)—manifested leading up to today, and then the latter (multiple repairs) materialized today. Watching them unfold was like watching the grand finale of a fireworks display. I am elated. 

Now, those in the Law of Assumption community will not be surprised to know that the sighs of relief, satiation and gratitude were already breathed well over a month ago. Everything always happens in imagination first. Everything. As that is the true reality. Whatever we want to experience, we experience first within, and then allow it to echo or reflect back to us in the 3D mirror that others think is “reality.” 


Let’s go back in time to when I first began getting desperate and longing for these things. Those who follow my other writings are aware that in the 3D, I’m seen as a widow and solo mother of three children without a co-parent. I’ve been called things like “a pioneer woman” and “superwoman,” but that’s not how I see myself anymore. Even though I’ve been “single” for a decade, my most authentic “concept of self” is really that of a married woman, and I mean that in ways that people might not think about, especially if their marriages were different than mine were (I was married twice). In both marriages, let’s be honest, I was spoiled in particular ways. There were just certain things I never had to worry about or lift a finger for. 

Sure, there were times over the past decade where buying pink and teal blue power tools was empowering, and being forced to fix things and show off my Ms. MacGyver capabilities was a big ego boost. At the same time, it’s not really me. It’s not my desire. I’d rather decorate than fix things. I’m a very creative person as well as exotic. I like to go all out. 

When you walk into my home, it’s not like a typical home. Past the little water fountain is a huge yoga trapeze, meditative instruments, another fountain, plants, etc. And my kitchen? I have to do themes! I like coffee and European outdoor cafes, so I set my kitchen up like that, including with menus and cute lights and flowers in vases on the wall and all sorts of things that, well, just make me happy to look at. 
And it’s not that I don’t like cleaning, but that I get so easily distracted and overwhelmed with multiple projects that what seems like starting out with simple tasks quickly turns into a tale similar to that of “If you give a mouse a cookie.” The other day I spent over twenty minutes searching for my glasses only to walk past a mirror and see them on my head. I’m not a ditzy person so much as that I just have so many rather more important things rolling around in my little brain that I appreciate it when unnecessary burdens are lifted off my shoulders. 

Call me traditional or old-fashioned, but I like men who are providers and helpers. Not the braggers and one-uppers but the show-uppers (that is, they show up).  I like the Mr. Fix-its or guys who don't hesitate to hire them. 

 People in the community often ask about how to manifest a specific person, or how to manifest marriage, and then ask about what it means to really embody that state. Well, this is an area that gets overlooked because so many people just focus on imagining wearing a wedding band. Now, I realize Neville Goddard suggested that, but manifesting a wedding band on your finger doesn’t mean you’ve manifested a happy marriage or a happy life or that you’re a happy wife (or happy husband). He also taught to focus on the state, and what does that mean? It means walking around as if you’re already the person who has it. You become it. Well, what is it? So many people have different ideas about it, or maybe they’re like me and know more about the process of elimination of what they DON’T want to relive again. Yet, if you just focus on the bad and what you don’t want, you’ll keep manifesting more of that. 


Since I’ve successfully manifested a lot of things in my life using memory from the past times that I had those things already, or things like them, I like to reflect back on those things that I miss that I’d like to have again. It’s also a good way to shift the focus off hurtful memories and onto that which I want to manifest. So, for myself, no matter what terrible things I could say about either marriage, I asked myself instead what was it that I missed? What was nice? What would be nice to have again? And one of those things that I really wanted to experience again was having help around the house, with my car, all those little things and without having to ask for it. For it to just be done for me. To really be taken care of. 

I also have had a terrible pride problem and issue with asking for help. I’ve had affirmations along those lines for awhile now (i.e., “I’m always taken care of, I’m provided for,” etc.), but things got really bad—really, really, really bad—before they got better. Just how bad? Well… it would be too embarrassing to go into elaborate detail, haha. 

Back in December, I was finally giving myself a break and night out. I thought I’d be having a fun date with a guy who knows his nickname I’ve given him is “Handsome Mike” (that some of you know as the old “SP2”), but my car suddenly wouldn’t start and it wasn’t a simple jumpstart situation but electrical (and really a well-known issue for that make and model, that most people get resolved at the dealership). My place was in no condition to risk company coming over or else I’d have had him pick me up. There was that dang ego getting in the way again. 


One would think that canceling a hot date would be enough to jar me to finally light a fire under my seat and get my place fixed up for company. But, nope. Nor did the prospect of another old interest asking to fly from across the country to see me. Nope, I could move mountains with manifesting but the level of pressure with the house and now car felt like I was drowning. No, not just drowning. It was like back in advanced swim lessons when we had to jump in the water with all our clothes on, strip our pants off, tie the ends, blow air into them and use them as flotation devices, only it would be as if I’d just lost all motivation and willfully allowing myself to sink to the bottom. 

Tired. I was just beyond tired. Even Handsome Mike expected me to be like Cinderella and get all the work done in order to see him. Would he have come to the rescue if I’d allowed him to? Possibly. Definitely if I’d imagined it, but I was focused more on all the projects I hadn’t gotten to and how embarrassing it would be for someone to walk in (i.e., among the projects was a huge bag the size of 3 people full of old toys from one of my kids’ rooms from an older cleanup project that I didn’t want to move to the garage yet because there was a possible rat in the garage, etc.). Far from a hoarder, if I ever were to be one, I’d be one of those highly organized ones with rows of plastic tubs full of unfinished projects. Organized chaos. Boxes of LED lights I wasn’t done putting up on my kids’ walls. Hamper full of folded clean clothes that couldn’t be put away until the correct colored felt hangers were free/found that go on. And why? If the boys’ clothes ended up on pink hangers, I doubt they would even notice. It’s not like anyone was going to go thru their rooms, look into their closets and notice. It wasn’t anyone else’s opinion on the matter that I cared about. 

It was like I had created so many rules in my mind of what needed to be done first, to the point it was another one of my solitaire-style mind puzzles, or like the color ball sorting one that I advanced thru all the way until I reached a level that had a glitch in it; a pink ball was supposed to be orange according to the answer key on a YouTube video. It was impossible to move them around in any correct sequence, and that is a reflection of what my various home “projects” were like, except that some of them did require some home repairs to be done to help expedite them. There were things that had I had a helpful husband would have eliminated a lot of extra unnecessary hassles and workarounds.  

There was a time when I could “rise above” and “do it all.” I think that was back when my kids were still in diapers. These days are different. I don’t know if it’s an attitude that happens the closer one gets to 45, but I’m really of the opinion that just because one can do something doesn’t mean they have to. So much of my old identity was this person who was always beating unbeatable odds, always overcoming and able to manage otherwise unrealistic expectations. The reality, however, is that it too was just a façade. It was just a front and that’s why I didn’t want to let anyone in, otherwise the reality of my human condition would be more obvious. Not only that, but the harsh waves of reality of my “situation” would just crash down more too. Other “single parents” will know what I’m talking about, especially if they’re without co-parents or anyone helping them and completely on their own. Meals. Dishes. Laundry. Schooling (I homeschool). On and on and on the list goes that a single "pickmeisha" type is expected to not only have down pat but be so on top of that it's not only not stressful for a guy to consider stepping into, but seemingly easy, convenient and inviting. No expectations. No pressures. No obstacles. Nothing to work for. Just nice and convenient. Hahahaha. 

Do you see how silly it is? This false belief that people have that they have to lure a specific persons with doggy treats and show how much more easier and better their life would be--gotta really market oneself--or so many of us have been programmed. It's really utter bull****. 

So what happens is that a lot of these women do push through--usually they just have one child and not three (you're pretty much f**** if you have 3 or more, or that's what Caesar's world would have you believe)--but even the "pick me" gets a rude awakening when she manifests a spouse or committed partner who ends up not helping out at all, treating her like a doormat, making her do all the work, etc. This isn't just from abandonment wounds. This is largely from focusing/ruminating in inner talking with not having any help while single. Focusing on what you don't have manifests more of that, even when you finally "have it" if you didn't change your concept of self. How many people complain about being in such relationships where their partner never helps? How many people feel like they are just parenting an adult instead of in a relationship? Well that’s what remaining in Superwoman identity can manifest. 


This old version of myself had to die. Really, repeatedly dying is a big part of manifesting that doesn’t get talked about enough. People get hung up on blocks, but really the more you die to your old concept of self, and the more you awaken and realize who you really are, the more natural and more easily you shed the old limiting beliefs. We’re like snakes. We have to shed our old skin. 

I no longer have the need to impress anyone, especially if they have a penis. And I’m not impressed by the things I used to be impressed by. Things that impress me now? Offering to help without my asking for help. That’s huge. Don’t tell me what you could do to help me. Don’t tell me how much money you make. Just… help. Show up. Pay for things. Haha, as SheraSeven says, “sprinkle sprinkle.” 

That’s not because I’m materialistic, but because I see everything as an investment, and—in my reality, these are my beliefs—men need to invest along the way. My concept of self is that I’m worthy of investment. My kids are worthy of investment. We aren't burdens but we also aren't convenient. And I get really turned off by “dusty dudes” who just want to try impress without investing--who just want my attention for their own validation. Have to keep in mind that if you are experiencing people like that in your 3D reality, they are ultimately only messengers telling you what is happening within you. Everyone is only yourself pushed out. 

Focusing back on what I like (and that manifests), I like acts of service that show I’m taken care of like fixing things. Showing me instead of bragging about what you could do for me. 

Ultimately, I can manifest whatever I want, but it really is nice when manifestations “come in” (materialize) through different vessels and means (“in ways that surprise and delight me” has been one of my affirmations). So, nope. I said no to being a “pick me” or “Barbara the Builder” who is a superwoman, showing off what she brings to the table, how she’s not like the delicate “weak” women (putting other women down to try to up one's value), doesn’t need anyone’s help and can do it all trying to stand out from others to be “chosen.” 

Just because I’m God experiencing being in a human form doesn’t mean I have to do everything or be everything. Just because we recognize our own divinity doesn’t make it wise to go throwing ourselves into oncoming traffic. We are whoever we are conscious of being. 

If I want to be “army strong” and “badass” I can be. But there’s also nothing wrong with no longer wanting to play that part anymore. I’ve been like Miss Congeniality before. But what was the driving force? So much of that old identity was to impress certain types of men who I really don’t find impressive anymore. 

Those are all states. The point of this rambling isn’t to tell you which state is good or bad for you. Whatever state you want to be in is what is right for you; the point is, however, that you need to die to the old one to really embrace and embody the new one. You can’t be both a “pickmeisha” and the prize. You can’t be “chosen” and competing for the prize. And, there is nothing more unattractive to me than a straight guy who thinks he is the prize. 


So, I did something incredibly lazy and smart. I closed my eyes and imagined all the stress gone, all the loose ends tied up, all the repairs made, my car somehow starting, all of it. And … I. did. nothing. I imagined it was already done and what I’d do—what I’d be doing if it were true—and embodied that. I let that car sit there about a month. Well, I let it sit after I tried a few days and gave up. When I say tried, I mean I gave it a good effort. I watched YouTube videos and tried to take a part out and clean it myself, but the angle was awkward and hurt to the point I had to take pain meds and put pain patches on my arm, and even then, I didn’t have the reach or strength to get it all. Old me would have pushed through a bit more but new me was past my limit and said nope, not this time. Even if it meant manifesting money for a tow truck and hefty work at the dealer, then that would be what I’d do, but I wasn’t doing anything further. I kept imagining it all taken care for me. I imagined back to what it was like when I had a husband who made sure my car was reliable and running, and didn’t have to concern myself over it. I “REMEMBERED WHEN.” 

 I looked at the different projects I needed to take care of and then looked beyond it, imagining that my “husband” had already taken care of it for me, reaffirming that I’m always taken care of, that my kids are always taken care of, that we’re always provided for. Even the things that I wanted to clean myself but found overwhelming, I allowed myself to just imagine already cleaned somehow. I kept picturing how each room would look and feel as I walked into them and then would sit down and read or relax as if it was done. 

 Yes, it’s cool that other coaches have manifested millions of dollars, but that’s also their desires. Not mine. Castles in Scotland? Sure, I’d gladly move into one, but even then I’d leave it open to whether I actually owned it or just occupied it (because ultimately we’re all just occupying states and places anyway). What is the point of being here in this reality and interacting with others if we’re just supposed to control everyone as if they’re all puppets? What’s the point of interactions at all? The point is whatever your deeper desires are. Your deeper cravings. 

If you deeply subconsciously desire to be taken care of then all the money in the world won’t make you happy if you’re the one always in control, always ordering others around, calling all the shots, directing and coordinating. I don’t want to be an invalid in the hospital or anything like that, but having been a caregiver in my last marriage, I think being on the receiving end would be welcomed instead of always giving and serving. 

Well, if you’re manifesting to receive help, you’re also manifesting situations that are opportunities for others to show up and help. Just a side now there to be prepared. 

So I embodied that state—a state that I previously would have called things like “lazy” or “unmotivated.” A state that demanded without saying a word to be taken care of and for only a certain type of men to show up in my life: men who help. My focus, mind you, was more on that than on the romantic aspect with a specific person(s). When it came to anyone specific, I was chopping heads off. Moving guys out of the doorway so that they stopped blocking traffic. Not worrying about changing anyone. Not focusing on only receiving help in a certain way by a certain individual(s), but keeping it open and trusting that my imaginal acts to miraculously unfold. 

I don’t have time or the motivation to go into specific details on each thing to really drive home just how miraculous each one really was. I will, however, describe how the Bridge of Incidents came thru something pretty terrible at first. Recall that instead of becoming more motivated after the cancelled date that I went the other direction. I rested. I read werewolf fantasy books! Hahahahaha. I played solitaire card games. I took bubble baths. I found myself rather amusing and entertaining, and just kept trusting—as delusional as it felt at times—that someway, somehow, it was all going to be taken care of (and at no cost to me or that somehow the money—potentially thousands upon thousands of dollars—would come to me quickly). And, then at seemingly the worst possible moment… a water pipe in the garage burst. Water was spraying everywhere and I didn’t know it until a neighbor got my attention. By that time, water was flowing down the driveway and the entire garage was flooded a foot deep and still spraying everywhere. 


Even more than that initial shocking scene of all the water coming down, like a rainforest, I’ll also never forget these words repeating in my mind over and over again as more things began happening: “this is my bridge.” I didn’t know how, I didn’t know what was going on, but I knew—and this knowing came with a big peace too—that this was all my Bridge of Incidents. Keep in mind that up until this point, I was under the impression that I was financially responsible for everything. I had already hired a plumber before and leading up to the garage flooding, I had held off a number of minor repairs (including running toilets that I temporarily “resolved” by keeping them shut off when not in use) as I was not yet in a position to hire contractors. It had been over three years since the last walk-thru inspection. Even though I’m nowhere near a “hoarder,” the LAST thing I wanted was an inspection. And yet, I knew as soon as it was requested to not freak out because it was my bridge. 

This was it. This was the fire under my seat I needed to focus while I cleaned. I had this peace that somehow my easily distracted self was going to get things picked up. I also had a continued peace over the repairs, that I wasn’t in trouble, that everyone just wanted to help keep me happy. That was pretty much my outlook: everyone wants to help me and make me happy. 

 If this is something new for you or something you’d like to experience (people taking care of you, helping you, showing you they really care about you, etc.), then pause for a moment and really FEEL into that. Really imagine what that would FEEL like—picture it if you can—if people around you began showing up for you as if they were there to serve you. Not in a subordinate way, but just genuinely want to help you and authentically want your approval, for you to be happy, for you to be comfortable, for you to feel cared for, etc. If this is not something you’re used to, are you open to it? Would you be able to receive it or would you freak out? If you’re used to doing everything on your own, people letting you down, always being alone, etc., then continue entertaining this idea and keep asking yourself: what would this be like? 


Remember how I had been open to different vessels? Well, when I first began learning about conscious manifesting, there were other types of “specific persons” that were family members I desired to have back in my life. One of those people was my brother. Though we had once been very close, we had become estranged and I didn’t even know the full reason why. I had seen some “movement” over the years like with finally having contact, but at the time of the garage flooding, it was still through my mom and I hadn’t seen him since before the pandemic. It was one of those old seeds I’d planted and detached from, but really didn’t expect to manifest for possibly years. I don’t know what happened in his reality, but in mine, it was like he was just there when I really needed help and helping in all the specific ways I needed (from hauling crap to the garbage dump in his truck to fixing my car to power washing all the mold off for me, he truly saved me thousands of dollars). 

Whereas a different individual had dismissed my car problems saying I didn’t need a guy to help me, that it was something I could easily do myself—and yet I couldn’t, I did need help, and it did feel really nice receiving it. It was surreal watching my brother impress his wife with all his knowledge of cars (that I had no idea he knew), seeing him all grown up, and how cool it was that of all the vessels for my manifestations to come through, that it would entail finally seeing my brother. There were so many little things I’m skipping over, even a really cool plant that was close to free and finally having my bestie over for coffee instead of being a hermit. I also order a lot of my groceries online and the shopper took extra care telling me which plants were healthy or ruined, it was like one person right after the other—all men by the way—were going out of their way to really show they cared. Considerations. Thoughtfulness. Efforts to make me happy. 

This is all because I was operating FROM a state of the divine feminine that LIKES receiving and being taken care of. Not in a “bow to me you foolish peasants” way, but by being open and not conforming to prior programming that said it wasn’t okay to ask for or receive help. When I was a child, one of my favorite Oldies songs was “I am a rock.” I had to stop singing songs like that. I had to stop identifying as that badass woman flexing her muscles and showing off how great she is and how she doesn’t need help. I had to admit I needed help. 

If you are manifesting receiving help, prepare to be humbled. There's other manifestations in keeping with this same theme that I didn't share about that I may later on, that required I be humbled even more and yet they were perfect manifestations and beautiful. You can’t receive help if you don’t need help. This doesn’t mean dwelling in a state of lack. It means giving yourself what you need in imagination but not denying the need when asked/when opportunity arises. It means opening yourself up to allowing to receive and changing how you see yourself: one who receives help instead of one who doesn’t need help and never has anyone there to help. 

Do this real quick if you grew up in church: Think for a moment of all the charities you were involved in, all the times you donated to the poor, all the times you helped others. Now, again for those who grew up in church or have a Christian background, ask yourself what Jesus said about who he was. Whenever you give to the least of these, you give unto him. Whenever you offer a cup of water, whenever you feed the hungry, you are doing it as unto whom? Him. Yet who do Christians strive to be like? The ones giving and not receiving, yet Christian means "little Christ." I was encouraged to give and serve, and it was very much a power play. Everyone in churches want to give. They want to always be on the side that is giving and donating, serving and being seen in that role. They say it's Christlike, and yet Christ said he was the one receiving. Irony is that to be on the receiving end, to be humbled and to receive is the lowest position to place oneself in. It's humiliating and no one--absolutely no one--ever wants to be the ones receiving charity, not if they have any ounce of pride. 

So, if you truly want to dwell in your imagination--to dwell in Christ--to move mountains, manifest your desires, including your desires to really feel like the verse that talks about the birds of the air and grass in the fields being clothed and cared for, then I'm just saying to not be surprised if it comes about through a humbling bridge. You do not have, because you do not ask. Ask and you shall receive. You don't have to ask in the 3D necessarily, but you do need to ask in imagination. And then you need to give it to yourself and receive it in imagination, and then it's forced to reflect back in your 3D reality. You know it's coming, so prepare to receive it. 


Before repairs were done, there was a walk-thru that went over repairs that were needed. At that walk-thru, I was just amazed. It was very different than last time. All my cleaning was not in vain, but it was less of an inspection and felt more like the guy was going down a list of things (like a “honey do” list) he wanted to check on to make sure I (and my kids) were happy here, that things were safe and running smoothly for us, etc. It felt good to hear things like how I take good care of the home (which were echoes of what I’d already heard in imagination beforehand). But even more than that, the emphasis wasn’t on me meeting a mark or showing my worth as a tenant (which is the attitude I used to have) and was more about them showing their worth. Even the maintenance guys reminded me that I paid rent, that these services were included in that and to make use of them, to not be shy about asking for help basically. 

The repairs that were scheduled fell on Valentine’s Day of all days. What perfect timing. I understand it may not sound very glamorous to some who want flowers and jewelry, and I’m not saying I don’t desire those things because of course I do. I love that stuff! I’m not excluding them, but am just sharing how what we focus on grows. What we place our observation on and feed in our imagination is what manifests. 

For me, the emphasis has been on really cultivating that feeling and knowing of being taken care of physically and in tangible ways, to be taken care of like I was when I was married, and specifically with things like car and home repairs. Was I checking the maintenance guy out as he was fixing stuff? Nope. HOWEVER, were he to state he’s single and ask me out, he’d be given priority over other guys, because the way he talked to me and efforts he made were what I like. That’s how I feel—in my reality—that men should treat women. He didn’t just do the bare minimum either, he didn’t just fix a little pipe here but replaced the entire disposal. He didn’t just call a job good but went the extra mile to make sure the garage door could lock/be secure so that no one could break in. 

I don’t care if you are manifesting a specific person to show up this way, a new person or just men in general; ultimately, you have to focus on this state of being regardless. That state of being is both appreciating and expecting them to show up this way. It's knowing you are not only worthy of it, but realizing this is who you are and feeling already accustomed to it. So if you have trouble knowing what to visualize, imagine whatever it is that is broken getting fixed and hearing a man (in your imagination) saying something like, “all fixed,” or “got that taken care of for ya.” And then hear yourself saying “thank you” back and really feel that gratitude. 

 “My yoke is easy and my burdens are light.” 

How many people today dive into situationships or relations with others where they are giving benefits of marriage/committed relationships without the commitment? Well, manifesting is similar in a way, only without the attachment to someone toxic or unhealthy for you. Without a trauma bond. Without giving yourself and getting nothing in return, or wasting your time and energy. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, go onto TikTok and listen to all the people telling their woes and singing their songs about this. 

In the 3D, I’m a widow and solo mom without a coparent. Yet, because I dwell so much in my imagination and embody my true self—who has help and is taken care of like a happy wife—I still enjoy benefits and perks of a committed relationship/marriage even while single. Instead of living in bitterness and dwelling on all the mistakes of the past, all the hurts and disappointments, how unfaithful or narcissistic or lazy or terrible men are, etc., by dwelling in a state of the wish fulfilled of men showing up for me in this particular way that I like, I experience it even now and without lifting a finger. Without having to pay a penny. 

Sometimes manifesting large sums of money comes in the form of not having to shell out those large sums of money, haha. This is another side note: when it comes to money and specific things, I personally go to the end. Instead of obsessing over manifesting a specific dollar amount, if it’s going to just go directly to something like car repairs or a car payment, etc., then I just imagine already having that thing itself. I just go to the end and even beyond the end, as if it’s already mine. So if have a big bill to pay, don’t stress over manifesting money for it; make your imaginal scenes be feeling that relief of the bill being paid. Affirm that your bills are paid. Allow the money to materialize through known and unknown sources. The less you condition the bridge, the better. 

Going back to the end state of manifesting men in general who make me feel taken care of—going back to that concept of self that says I’m taken care of like I was in my marriages—there was a real shift in the direction of how energy flowed. I wasn’t doing anything to earn it. I didn’t have to earn it before in my marriages, it was just given; it was just how things were. Now when it began materializing in the examples I’ve shared, notice that I didn’t have to sleep with any of these men who showed up for me. I didn’t have to date them. I didn’t have to show off what a great wife I would be. I didn’t cook them any meals, I didn’t dress up sexy, I didn’t do my hair, I didn’t market myself, I didn’t buy them any gifts, I didn’t try to encourage them or heal them. I cleaned but it was more deep cleaning (i.e., making sure there’s no mold in windows) and didn’t even get to basic dusting. And they didn’t even notice or if they did, they didn’t care. Their focus was on what I’d been affirming: to ensure I was properly taken care of. 

One might say well, ok, but you paid for that service with your rent. To that I’d say that whoever thinks that hasn’t rented much, because the treatment—while still professional—was not the way other landlords do it especially if they really don’t care and really just want to do the bare minimum. You can manifest people to give you good customer service or bad service; you already are. Everyone is already showing up in your reality according to your assumptions and beliefs about them, about life, about yourself, etc., so the good service is a reflection of good beliefs.  Also, I didn’t pay my brother a dime. I’m obviously not looking at him as anything other than my sibling, but he still showed up as a perfect manifestation of someone in their masculine energy helping me out the way I’d imagined and been affirming. He’s still a man, and that was also impressive, seeing him interact with his wife and impress her by helping me. I was impressed too and very proud of him—and very appreciative. 


The key takeaway in all of my rambling here is that you are who you are conscious of being. You are wherever you are conscious of being. You are who you realize yourself to be. Do you want to be taken care of? Do you want help? Then walk around embodying that and feeling what it would feel like were it true. Then be open to it materializing in ways that surprise and delight you.


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