Card Exercises for Learning How to Manifest (Law of Assumption)


A. What you need first:

1. Cards. Choose a deck of cards & get familiar with them visually. Examine them so you know what they each look like. 

2. Understand everything in your Awareness reflects. Have (or begin to cultivate) an understanding of Awareness that Joseph talks about. Remember that, "everything you experience has a source that exists within your consciousness. Everything you experience is there because it exists within your mind... If you then change your mind, you're changing the contents of what Awareness is aware of and therefore that will be pushed out onto the screen of space." Joseph Alai, ij his YouTube video, "I AM = MC2 (Squared)  You Are God..."starting at ~9:15 

3. Understand/begin to understand Law of Assumption (Neville Goddard) core concepts such as EIYPO, Self-concept (I Am), assuming states, no one to change but self, the 3D world being nothing but shadows & mirrors, oneness, non-resistance, imaginal acts, living in the end, SATS, etc. In a nutshell, you are an infinite creator & the operant power in your reality; you create EVERYTHING "out there" in the "outer reality" in your inner reality, also known as your imagination, God, Christ, Awareness, etc. **You don't have to understand it all but some beginner exposure will help.**

4. Daily meditation, breathing, stillness. If you do not yet know how to focus on your breath, quiet your mind, give self-love, etc., then I highly encourage you to begin learning. There are several apps to help (I used the Calm app & Insight Timer for a long time.  Others like Headspace.  There's a ton of free ones on YouTube. **It's okay if meditation is a challenge for you, you don't have to close your eyes or do it a certain way. You don't have to be good at it. There is no wrong way but whatever way of going into the stillness helps you will really help with this. 

5. Self-love, grace for yourself, curiosity, openness, patience, & trusting the process/Law. One thing this practice has instilled in me is a state of rest & peace, a deep knowing that my card always materializes in the 3D, and to really lean back and rely on the Law to do its thing. 

6. Quiet area you can focus in. This practice will sharpen your ability to call up an image in your mind and objectify it. You can do it in SATS or during the day but easier if away from others or wherever helps you tune out the world around you at least when getting started.

7. Mental Diet/Observation of thought. If you are not already familiar with mindfulness and how to observe your mental chatter without judgment, try that right now. Ask yourself as you read this, " What am I thinking right now?" Imagine your thoughts are like care on a freeway and you are on the side of the freeway watching them go by. Don't judge any of them but just observe them. Some thoughts may be memories or beliefs. Are any of them negative, discouraging, frustrated, impatient, doubtful, etc.? Don't judge. It's fine if there are. Just be aware of them and write down any new beliefs you are replacing them with. 

8.  Create/know the beliefs you want to have. Pre-emptive, blanket, Self-concept, etc. As you do this, you will see beliefs reflected back to you. Good and bad. I find it helpful to affirm my beliefs as I do this such as: "I Am God, Aham Brahmasmi (I am the Universe), I Am Christ, My imagined card is always on top, I have no limiting beliefs, etc." 

9. Deep understanding or desire to understand that nothing is separate from you, not even God. There is no external/separate Universe, Source, etc. I cannot emphasize enough that you must know or be desiring to know that you are fused with God, the Universe, etc., that there is no power outside from you or separate from you. This means if you have a history of relying on psychics or crystals or something external then you should avoid use of tarot cards & I'll explain more later. 

10. No action. No effort. Relax. Sit back. Let go of attachments, resistance, mental chatter, & even the outcome. NO LOA!! No attracting!! No high vibing! If you are still watching Abraham Hicks, or think you need to be highly vibrational to be a vibrational match to your card, then you're not ready for this and need to first stop that Law of Attraction nonsense. You are not attracting the card. You aren't manipulating anything. You are simply imagining a card & letting it reflect back to you no different than if you pictured something in your mind & then held it in front of a mirror. It already exists. It exists the moment you imagine it and it is yours & with you the moment you believe it is. There may be a delay in materializing in the 3D because of different things (including mental chatter, anxiety or other states of being where you're not fully taken over with imagination, or limiting beliefs, etc.), but your card will ALWAYS come to you in the 3D. How long, how many birds before land, how many tries, etc. are all things you will begin to observe and learn (and will help you in manifesting other things). 

B. What cards I use & other notes before you start... 
I use very simple UNO cards that I just removed all the duplicates from. I originally picked UNO cards because right after imagining getting cards to try this out with it was like they appeared on the kitchen counter. Brand new pack, never opened. I vaguely recalled getting them for my kids & one of them must have found it and left it on the counter. I like them because they help me practice visualize both a number and color/design & to observe what materializes if I visualize one over the other, am unclear & have it confused with a similar looking card, or if I merely think or speak what I'm imagining without a clear image. You can use ANY cards, or create your own. Joseph advises against the use of tarot cards as he said they literally take your power away. Others have found the colorful images & detail of oracle or tarot cards to help them with visualizing. I personally think the more you do this the more apparent it becomes how EVERYTHING in your awareness reflects back into the 3D & impacts, including state of being, fears, doubts, memory, etc. So, that being said, even if you don't think tarot cards take any power from you, if that statement alone is in your awareness & makes you react feeling a negative way (guilty, attacked, misunderstood, etc.) OR if you have previously been into tarot cards or similar, then all of that could be distracting & interfere with your imagined card reflecting immediately.

Remember to be in a relaxed God state. Some meditate first. I personally don't always but I also have a lot of experience in dropping into my heart space, focusing on breathing, etc. Experiment and see what works for you but it's recommended to quiet your mind first and be fully in your Godself. 

1. Select your card. I haven't been studying the card all that carefully in the past (& still had it be the top card before), but it's recommended to. So you can get started without even looking at your card you want and just pick it mentally from memory or by holding it in your hand and studying it a bit. Experiment and see what works for you. I do both. 

For this round, I decided to pause & study it for a change. I picked a Blue 2. 

2. Picture it in your mind.  I close my eyes but if that's uncomfortable for you, keep them open. There are no rules or "right way" only the ones you create or believe exists. Do not stress if you struggle to picture, remember to go easy on yourself and tell yourself it's okay, you don't have to be good at visualizing, that whatever you see in your mind's eye even if not in color or great detail is totally fine!!! Be kind to yourself! You are God and however you visualize or don't visualize if perfect! 

3. Shuffle the cards & remember they represent the 3D; they are only a mirror! Shuffle A LOT and in a relaxed state. Make sure you are not aware of where you put your imagined card or even thinking about the cards being shuffled, where your card might be, how it will reflect, etc. 

4. Focus on your card in your imagination as you shuffle. Totally forget about everything else. I keep my eyes closed as I shuffle to help keep my focus on imagining the card. 

5. Breathe and affirm who you are and the card you want. Example: For this exercise, I kept repeating, "I Am God. I Am the Universe and the Universe is in me. Blue 2. My imagined card is always on top. I am Christ. I create everything in my outer reality with my inner reality..." etc. 

6. Let go of the ego. Silence all distractions and thoughts that aren't just on the end. Know it's already yours, it's already reflected back to you, you're just focused on the image you want to receive. For this exercise, right as I started one of kids informed me he was hungry so I suddenly felt a timer on me but knew I could do this real quick--but also noted that now also in my awareness is not only my need to hurry but guilt as a parent for not immediately stopping what I was doing to fix a meal or snack, so I also reaffirmed quickly that it was okay, it's not neglect, it's just real quick, it's all okay, I'm not judged, time is an illusion, etc. (This is all split second in-moment thinking and affirming).

7. When it feels right to you, stop shuffling. You can pause, breathe and affirm the card and your beliefs before you turn the card over off the top or just do it. You can also pull from anywhere you want. I choose the top of the deck because of my pre-emptive blanket belief but you don't have to. I have let my hands pull from the middle of the deck and gotten my card that way before. You are God. You decide. 

8. If you don't get your imagined card right away, you can keep drawing cards. If you keep drawing cards, keep persistent in visualizing the card you want. You may likely see "Birds before land" if you have other cards in the deck that look like the one you imagined. I often get the same number or same color as the one I picked. I also often see old manifestations first (like if I gave up on one that didn't show after a few rounds, it always shows up right before my new one. Sometimes not on a draw but will fall out of the deck as I'm shuffling). 

9. You decide how many cards to draw and how many times you reshuffle and draw again. Example: I might draw a few cards and then reshuffle and do it again or I might keep drawing. You know no matter what you eventually get it. In this example, I had those added stressors in my awareness, as well as had in my mind that I was doing this as an illustration to show how I do it it, so I had to keep clearing that out of my thoughts and keep redirecting my mind's eye to keep visualizing my card--and to keep landed in my Christ state--so it didn't reflect immediately for 2 rounds.

Round 1: 
I normally wouldn't keep drawing but wanted to show how the desired card will eventually show if you keep going AND to show all the Birds before land. 

See how I immediately got a blue card, followed by a +2, then a blue card followed by another 2. This is all an example of how knowing what we really want--getting a clear picture--is so important (& also why it's not uncommon for someone who is manifesting a Specific Person to have someone pop up with the same name or same qualities). 

Now also observe as I persisted thru distracted thought how more birds appeared: green 2, red 2, yellow 2... there was also a +2 right before it reflected:

[Still 12:54p.m.]

Round 2:

Oh look, more birds, lol. Two blue cards and two 2's. I was short on time and didn't want this to be more than just a couple minutes so I gave it one more round... 

Round 3: TADA!!!
Keep in mind I was using meditation & mindfulness techniques this entire time which is gently redirecting my focus back to--instead of my breathe--the imagined card and my I Am's. Right before I drew the top card I paused, breathed slowly, said I said: "My card is always on top. I am Christ."

10. Persist. Persist. Persist. Keep focused on what you want not what you don't. Remember who you are and that you create EVERYTHING out there from within your own imagination first!

The time it usually takes me is the time it takes for my beliefs, thoughts and visualizations to be in alignment and know it's mine. So in this situation, that was 3 minutes and total time my son waited to eat was under 5 minutes (that's faster than McDonald's, haha). 

I'll come back and share earlier examples that I shared on the Discord chat previously (in which I drew my card off the top on my first try and other observations). 

Special credit to "Hax" who is not presently in the Discord chat but originated this idea of using cards and his own methods. The steps I detailed above are just how I developed for myself. He and others may do it differently. There is no right or wrong way. Experiment and learn for yourself what works. Happy manifesting! 

Credits & Recommendations for further reading:

* Neville Goddard - there are TONS of videos on YouTube as well as free scripts of his lectures online. There are also a lot of books on Amazon. 

* Joseph Murphy - Same. He and Neville Goddard studied under Abdullah, a Black Ethiopian rabbi who lived affluently during the Jim Crow era. 

* Joseph Alai - He is one of my favorite coaches because he helps explain things in quantum physics in Laymen's terms and his teachings really caused incredible break-thrus and increased manifesting. I highly recommend trying out his VIP All Access at least once. It grants access to his monthly live workshop (that also has Q&A at the end ), as well as his lengthier  live Q&A session and (the best part), access to all past recorded workshops as well as their workbooks and materials. These include topics such as manifesting wealth, manifesting a Specific Person, Revision, EIYPO, etc. It also includes access to the Discord Chat where I'm on a lot and happy to discuss manifesting with you. :)  Please use my referral link (might need to paste it into a browser for it to work):

* Shelly Bullard - This is my other favorite coach. I highly recommend all of her courses. Check her out on YouTube and watch for special promotions. She manifested a million dollars, car, Specific Person, so many things and her materials are the best too.  I love her style. I also love that she's a former psychotherapist and incorporates a lot of healing therapy into her courses including healing inner child wounds. 

* Sylviane Nucio - She also has several videos on YouTube, a free Facebook group, a VIP group, writes a blog and recently added new meditations on Insight Timer: Check this out on Insight Timer

* Joey Hayes ("Jar Your Mind") - has Neville Goddard technique meditations on both YouTube & Insight Timer.

* Kim Velez, Caleb w/Pluto's Gate and Dylan James are also great coaches to look up on YouTube & Facebook. Kim has a free Facebook group as well as courses, a VIP group, and is on both Instagram and Tik Tok. 

* Brian Scott ("The Reality Revolution") also has a ton of Neville Goddard meditations as well as on things like quantum jumping, and a free Facebook group.


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