Your Desire Already Exists
We are not technically "attracting" or "creating" but, rather, OBSERVING the desired version of reality that ALREADY EXISTS In Law of Attraction, people talk of "attracting" something or someone to you. In Law of Assumption, people talk of our inner reality "creating" our outer reality. We really aren't attracting or creating anything. Nothing exists outside of us, nothing is separate from us; all is from within. Yet, we aren't creating anything external either. It all already exists. All realities already exist, right here, right now. Neville Goddard would often quote King Solomon saying there was nothing new under the sun, that all things already exist in your imagination. He talked about ordering & then waiting, much like if you were to go to a restaurant and order your meal. Everything you want is already on the menu; you just SELECT what you WANT. Well, in much the same way, there are different versions of reality ready for you...