Creative meditations
I just made up a fun meditation my daughter likes. I combined two favorite soothing things: counting and Pusheen. Pusheen is her special interest so it wasn't possible to just have her hold her Pusheen because there would be too many to hold & not possible to pick a favorite one to look at so she just imagined her dream Pusheen (huge gigantic one bigger than her). So we inhale thru our nose counting to 4, hold it counting to 4, exhaling counting to 4. On the exhale, to be silly but still works can say in a mantra-like voice slowly: Pusheeeeen. 😂💗 Then do "I am" affirmations (I am safe, I am happy, I am loved, etc). At the end, I let her make up her own so she said, "I am Pusheen"... Lil cosmic humor & playing with it is good for the soul. What meditations do you or your child(ren) enjoy? [Image: Pusheen the cat in a meditation position on a yoga mat with spiral text on belly that says: "Meditation is good for yourself brain." ...