
Showing posts from February, 2021

Rebekah Rising Again - re: Conscious Parenting

One of the reasons I feel conscious parenting--parenting that incorporates visualization, LOA, manifesting, whatever you feel safe calling it--is important in my "mindful practice" is because as the old scripture says, "without a vision, my people perish." Mindfulness truly did transform my family from the inside out and is still a daily habit (throughout the day). That being said, it's still possible to fall into ir stay in a victim consciousness and meditate, and to Mindfulness, if my state of being is still "this is happening to me" and I am breathing thru it. I have fallen silent in a number of groups and left FB for a few months because of a collective victim mindset that FB's business model is designed to feed (watch The Social Dillemma). What has been shown to me in my faith throughout my life but even more so recently is that we aren't victims, we don't have to just sit and accept whatever our s...